How to Get OpenAxiom

Released Source Tarballs

The latest released version is OpenAxiom-1.4.2.
OpenAxiom-1.4.2 was released on April 1, 2013. OpenAxiom-1.4.2 is known to build and run on major Unix and GNU/Linux operating systems, and on Windows (MinGW/MSYS). OpenAxiom also runs on handheld devices. Please refer to the INSTALL file for instructions on how to build, install, and use OpenAxiom.

Development Source


You need a working SVN command that supports the HTTP protocol. You can get a copy from

Read-Only Access

The development sources or `live sources' of OpenAxiom are available in an SVN repository at SourceForge.

To get the mainline version of OpenAxiom, you may want to issue the following command
 svn co svn:// oa-trunk.svn

That will pull the sources from SourceForge repository and put them in a directory named oa-trunk.svn. You should feel free to replace oa-trunk.svn with any name of your like.

In addition, you may also browse our SVN repository online using viewvc.

Read-Write Access

Regular contributors to OpenAxiom will prefer to have read-write access to our SVN repository. In that case, you need to have a SourceForge user id, and be registered as a developer.

To obtain a working copy with write privilege to the OpenAxiom repository, you would need to execute the equivalent of:

   svn co --username=your-sf-id \
      svn+ssh:// oa-trunk.svn
where your-sf-id is your SourceForge user id.